Here at U Ready, Teddy? I mostly share picture book for babies to preschoolers, but I also can't resist buying beautifully designed books that my kids will "grow into". For now, we just enjoy the illustrations, but I am excited to explore them more as my kids get older.
My favorite big kid picture books are both educational and decorative. Many of them are also oversized making them perfect to display in playrooms and children's bedrooms.
Here are a few of my favorite oversized picture books that make the perfect gift for the big kids in your life!
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. I received Anatomicum and One of a Kind free for review purposes, however I only write about products I love and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. For more information see Legal.
1. ANATOMICUM by Jennifer Z. Paxton
Every book in this Welcome to the Museum series is fantastic and beautifully designed and Anatomicum by Jennifer Z. Paxton is no exception.
2. ONE OF A KIND by Neil Packer
One of a Kind: A Story about Sorting and Classifying by Neil Packer is gorgeously illustrated with mixed-media illustration. It is perfect for introducing taxonomies and classifications and will be fascinating for those kiddos with a knack for organization!

3. BOTANICUM by Katie Scott and Kathy Willis
Another in the Welcome to the Museum series, Botanicum is curated by Katie Scott and Kathy Willis. The beautiful botanical illustrations make this book the perfect coffee table book for plant-loving families. Children ages 8-12+ will learn all about types of flowers and plants and how they work.

4. BIG BOOK OF BLOOMS by Yuval Zommer
Zommer's Big Book Of... series is one of my absolute favorites! Big Book of Blooms is one of the most beautifully illustrated books we own. It is equal parts beautiful and equal parts educational! We also love Big Book of Bugs and Big Book of Blue.
Let us know your favorite oversized picture books to gift in the comments. If you check out any of our recommendations be sure to tag your photos of your little ones reading with @ureadyteddy and we'll share our favorites in our stories!